Hola Tanguero!
I’m Helaine Treitman, guiding you to improvise with confidence, certainty, and freedom, so you’ll dance tandas that women will love . . . WITHOUT training for years to learn more figures and technique!


A comprehensive, online learning system, walking you through each step of my proven framework, including a collection of powerful, multimedia tools to integrate your new knowledge into your dancing!
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Learn with me in "Tango Musicality Mojo" LIVE! An intimate tango immersion in Buenos Aires in which we'll build your knowledge, integrate it into your dancing, and deepen your tango culture - and confidence!
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What if you had the knowledge & practice under your belt to improvise to Pugliese as easily as you do to Di Sarli or Caló? Here’s a low-cost program that will help you master dancing, phrase by phrase, to Pugliese’s 1943 “Mala Junta.”
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Get my free 3-part podcast and learn: A listening exercise to improve your musicality TODAY. Tango rhythm, non-rhythym, and phrasing. Downbeats, upbeats, and “the micro-pause.” Why the 7th downbeat can be magical. And the musical trigger that does NOT mean “Go!”
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With this free, 2-week series of email lessons, you’ll learn 9 fun and surprising ways to make your partners happy on the dance floor. Get the inside scoop on what women really want!
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Read my chapter from Dimitris Bronowski’s book, “Tango Tips by the Maestros,” for FREE. This chapter summarizes my greatest values as a tango educator and my comprehensive advice to tangueros!
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"Helaine, I took to heart your emphasis on the importance of minding our Infinite Axes. It's my mantra now... As a result, I feel I have better balance, I am more relaxed while dancing, enabling me to focus on the music and connection, and my tango moves are more articulated than before. I do receive compliments about my dancing, which gives me an infinite joy. And it really seems that ladies are more enthusiastic than before about accepting my invitation to dance!"
Nori Hashimoto, Ohio, USA
"Although I had been dancing tango intensively for more than three years I still felt a little uncertain and unsteady on the dance floor. The fact that this communicated to my dancing partners made things worse. Helaine's program was a complete and amazing turn for the better! Within two months my whole approach to tango changed, I gained more stability and presence, felt way more comfortable and at ease. The transformation was immediately noticed by my dancing partners and brought me compliments and a far bigger choice of tangueras who obviously enjoy dancing with me. Helaine's coaching brings ideas and concepts that will hardly ever be taught in regular dance classes and puts them in a very clear way."
Ulrich K., Germany
"This is great stuff, and just what I need. Some of it I do already, and some is new, but these exercises help me become much more precise . . . Here they are all blown away that we can have such good results from an online course!"
Gary Alexander, England
"As I tell my tango friends, I mainly learned tango from three ladies: two instructors from Romania and yourself with Musicality and your tips. Your Musicality program, together with the first '9 tips' for leaders, and '27 BA insider tips' did help me decisively to understand the tango music and have significant progress with my dance. That gave me the courage, this year, on September 11th, to compete in the first Romanian Championship, for non-professionals, where I received the 2nd position out of a dozen couples."
Cornel Durlut, Romania
"I had carefully learned hundreds of ‘tango figures’ and executed them faithfully one after another and in interesting combinations. My tango was unsatisfying. Something was missing. I studied hard and felt that I was doing all the right figures - but that I was still a terrible dancer. I took many classes, did all the workshops, worked on my technique, and danced a lot. Despite being a good dancer of other dances, I just wasn’t good at tango, and I was disappointed in myself.
I was burdened with thinking how stupid I looked, how boring my dancing was, and the mistakes I was making. Now, after “Tango Musicality Mojo,” I feel much freer. I stopped thinking, began to improvise, and just feel the music and connect with my partner. I'm confident and my partners respond ever so positively to my new way of being."
Jay Aland, Atlanta
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"Tango Musicality Mojo has made a big difference in my pleasure in dancing and the pleasure my partners take in dancing with me, including first and foremost my wife. Better musicality means there is less pressure to constantly increase the number of steps and figures one can execute. It is a different, more satisfying way to add variety to tango dancing."
Alain Galaski, Brussels, Belgium
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate with his wife, Lisa
"I like your programs very much and especially your Tango Musicality Program because they have a clear structure, they are supported with a lot of written and visual material (videos links, etc.) and a lot of practice assignments. And most of all you are present to support them, ready to explain everything, to answer all the questions and to present extra material for improving the learning process."
Michael Kavroulakis, Crete, Greece
Tango Musicality Mojo Graduate
"You provide a foundation that the other programs don’t - a foundational musicality training. I don’t see that anywhere else. I wouldn't have gotten nearly as much out of the other kinds of training I’ve attended without having done your program first. Now when another instructor talks about different aspects of a song as a musician might talk, I can appreciate all of what they're talking about because I have this foundation from Tango Musicality Mojo. Without the musicality grounding that I got through TMM, much of what they talk about would be over my head."
Dave Bevan, Virginia, USA
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"Your intensive course has been of great help in my dancing, giving me a framework to understand the music. Now I am always thinking about phrasing and how to use pauses at the end of phrases to allow embellishments, especially by my main partner, who loves to use the music in creative ways. With this and all the other material, like suspensions, syncopations, half time and double time, your course has had a dramatic effect on my understanding and execution of tango dance."
Larry Owens, Adelaide, Australia
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"By reading the PDFs, I understood how you put a structure on something I would never have thought of as structured. The PDF really brought some light into my engineer brain. For me, it was crystal clear and really, really useful. The phrases made sense to me with your analysis on the grid sheet PDF. I was able to match quite easily on the PDF what I was listening to in the music."
Thierry G., France
Tango Musicality Mojo student
"I have been listening to tango songs for a long time with no improvement but this course is giving me an organized approach to analyze what I am hearing and then how to move my body based on what I hear."
Bahram Khaghani, Aurora, Ontario
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"Fantastic. Now the tango music makes sense to me structurally. Before it seemed like chaos but now I understand that there is order. This module and the previous one have added a great deal of certainty to what I am doing. And with certainty comes confidence. Now I can do it without thinking or worrying if I am right or not. This increased confidence has allowed me to focus on dancing with these principles. It does make a difference. My lead has improved."
Carlos Izaguirre, Ottawa, Canada
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"Your videos are very clear and following along with you is quite easy. It’s really interesting to ’dissect’ the music this way as it forces me to question what I am really hearing. This is quite a deep study of the music and I really like your approach."
Laurent, London
Tango Musicality Mojo graduate
"Your input opened a door for me. I started to listen more precisely to discover the structure of the songs. The pdfs helped a lot. I could see the structure of the song better by having the rhythm and the pauses in front of me as a whole. It is amazing to realize how uniformly structured [so many of] these tangos are."
Daniel, Switzerland
Tango Musicality Mojo Part 1 graduate
"I have learned tango musicality from local and visiting tango teachers, musicians, music teachers, books, web training programs, videos I have bought, and YouTube videos. Your system is the most organized. No other training or book covers ALL the subjects that you cover in your program in such depth and in a such an organized way. Your programs have been a blessing for my musicality and my tango dance."
Michael Kavroulakis, Crete, Greece
Graduate of Tango Musicality Mojo & Advanced Musicality Mastermind
"Helaine’s concept of Vines and Roses has given me a strategy of dancing and made our crowded milongas much easier to navigate . . . and more fun."
Bill Howell, Utah, USA
Tango Improvisation Mastery graduate
"My knowledge of tango music and tango dancing has grown in ways that I could not have imagined when I began. Although we haven't been able to dance for nearly a year now, my interest in and passion for tango have not diminished. When we are finally able to return to dancing, I will be a more knowledgeable and confident dancer and I hope a more enjoyable partner to dance with. I owe a debt of gratitude to Helaine for her commitment to tango. Her teaching methods were perfect for me."
Dave Bevan, Virginia, USA
Graduate of Tango Musicality Mojo & Advanced Musicality Mastermind
"Because of the pandemic, my tango life has been confined to dancing at home with my wife. Our dancing has been marvelous – better and better with the musicality I have learned from TMM, which has led to ever better dancing connection, which has led to a closer relationship. When we dance at home, we fall in love again."
Jay Aland, Atlanta, USA
Graduate of Tango Musicality Mojo & Advanced Musicality Mastermind with his wife Jeanne Dow
"Helaine, in the first two weeks of studying your course materials and practicing, I jumped exponentially in both my improvement and enjoyment of dancing tango. I felt I had already gotten what I was hoping for - so quickly!!"
"Then after two months, my balance, hearing, and stepping on the beat had improved dramatically. Integrating new vocabulary became easier. My teacher and others, including my partner Denise, commented on my improved dancing. You are a very gifted teacher, and I appreciate what I have received from you. My musicality has been enhanced immensely from your course and writings."
Ron Dushkin, Holistic MD, NYC
Tango Musicality Mojo student